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I am Adegboyega Ogunmola. I am a Nigerian. I want to write, self-publish, and social-network the idea for the public audience. I want everyone to read my articles.

I think starting the entrepreneurial venture: Gboyega Ogunmola Writer – Writer For Personality Literature, thereby writing literature on personality provides the opportunity of solving people’s problem. There is no one who shouldn’t live successfully and happily.







I became inspired to undergo an outstanding improvement in writing, self-publishing, and social-networking. I tried to overcome many limitations. I gained a lot of exposure.

I alleviated the concession of problem and the consequence of difficulty. The change made the social and personal better. I extended the talent into the related activity.

I wanted to show my talent to everyone. I thought the concerned and interested people will give the gratitude and appreciation.





I congratulate all people. I thank the people who participated with me, towards my success on the Internet.

I am appreciating everyone involved in my online presence. I hereby thank all  my followers.






In the year 2015, I started self-publishing. I brand-named myself Gboyega Ogunmola Writer – Writer For Personality Literature.

I had received the university degree since the year 2007. I had the Bachelor of Education. I studied Guidance & Counselling.




Writer For Personality Literature

I became interested in writing articles, newsletter, and e-book. I had the passion to write literature in Personality.

Personality is a sub-division of Psychology. It studies how peoples’ character and behaviour develop.


Guidance & Counselling is a field of study in Psychology. Psychology studies the mind and behaviour. Guidance & Counselling studies why people don’t behave as they should do.

I decided to start writing on the Personality while working on the Internet. I had a lot of experience through my interaction online. Personality is the behaviour, attitude, temperament, etc. that determines who we are.



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